The company continuously supports the process of training and habilitating the staff and workers as this has immense importance to achieve an excellent product and to follow up the new scientific inventions contribute to raising the level of the staff and workers the scientific office in the company does its best to hold the competent scientific symposium which has multiple aims to make use of opinion and suggestions all society slices.
The marketing office tries to find new outer markets that go beyond the internal markets. It also has outer offices for marketing its products these offices always try to open new markets.
The baby foods produced in our factories depend on cereals and milk for feeding infants and babies from 3 to 12 months, and they are in the form of instant granules which can be used after dissolving into water. They are all made from the best fresh and natural substances that are free from preservatives and flavors.
The technical office is responsible for all production processes starting from the required formula for each type and studying it well for providing balanced food containing all necessary nutritious elements.
For maintaining high standard quality, all tests (such as raw materials – assisting materials – final products) are continuously done at the company labs before, during, and after production processes according to standards and conditions of the International Hearth Organization. In addition to the factory tests, Bakkour company for the food industry resorted to international labs to produce a good and healthy product that matches the Syrian and international standard specifications.
Technicians continuously do their tests according to tests and exam plans which are well accredited for executing their tasks each one due to his work, starting from the water used in production, to procure its quite free from pollution, and follow the product line according to work machine.